Healing Prayers
People are always asking me how to pray in certain situations in their lives. Below are some of the situations that we can find ourselves experiencing.
If you have a long-standing illness in your body:
You probably won’t get your healing until you take authority over the spirit behind the sickness. First bind up the demon or spirit causing the problem and tell it to get out. See Matthew 18:18.
If you’ve had the illness for a long time:
Then you might need to bind it up and tell it to get out many times before it will go. Generational curses that come down to us through our ancestors are a good example of why we need to do this kind of commanding over and over again.
If you have a broken bone:
Then just simply lay your hand over the bone and command the healing to come into it. You could do this several times a day and see a marked improvement. Mark 16:18b says “believers shall lay their hands on the sick and the sick shall recover.” You can lay your hand on the sick part of your body and it will recover.
If you and your spouse are fighting all the time and can’t seem to stop it:
Then take authority over the strife problem in your family. See Luke 10:19. Ask your spouse’s forgiveness for fighting with him/her. I learned a long time ago that it’s better to live in a home filled with God’s peace than to insist on being right in an argument. If I have been arguing with my husband, I first ask God’s forgiveness for my part in the argument. I also choose to forgive my spouse for his part in all of it. See Ephesians 4:32.